Rise Up relies on the donations of patrons to help us provide quality theater education.
To be able to offer character education through quality theatrical experiences, we need community support from businesses, individuals, and families. Donations of any level are greatly appreciated, and since Rise Up Performing Arts is a non-profit 501(c)(3), donations are tax deductible.
We do not want financial obstacles to keep students from performing. The scholarship fund covers registration fees for students who otherwise would not be able to participate. Donations of any amount help provide opportunities for young performers.
Sponsorships are used to help offset rising production costs and help keep our registration fees low. Your company logo will be featured on our 42' screen during the pre-show, intermission and post-show. You will also be featured on our website, social media campaigns and in the program. Additionally, sponsors receive 10 tickets to the production sponsored.
To make a contribution or sponsor a show, contact Artistic & Executive Director, Rodney Neal at admin@RiseUpPerformingArts.com